Thursday, June 11, 2009


So for the past couple weeks I have been having super bad headaches and I blamed it on my hair. So I cut some off thinking that would work but it didn't. I then blamed it on the loud children everyday but I would have them on the weekends too. Finally yesterday as I was reading the paper I realized I couldn't see the words too well. I covered my left eye and was very surprised that I could not make out the letters at all. My right eye is not clear. I can see things just not clearly, everything is blurry or fuzzy. So I go see the eye doc on Tuesday. I had an appointment for two weeks from now but today while reading to the kids it was very frustrating and I once again got a headache. I think 6-10 Tylenol a day is not good. Anyway I called the clinic to see if someone there could help sooner but they don't have an eye doc and they said if you have headaches go in sooner. While researching if insurance will pay for this I found a doc in Middleton who wants me to come in ASAP which is Tuesday. So there you go I AM NOT BLIND. I am just getting old and with old age comes the fun of bad eyesight, saggy boobs, wrinkles and of course the gray hair which I am now starting to find. At least I don't feel old I just look it!
We got to go outside today which was nice cause the kids are climbing the walls again. I guess its supposed to snow on Saturday. Guess what else Michael flies out that day. GO FIGURE!!
thanks for reading xoxo

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