Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 18th 2009

So yesterday I wanted the kids to have a wonderful breakfast. Kato stayed home in the morning so he could be class helper at Alex's school. Pancakes are a favorite so I fired up the griddle, mixed up the pancakes and got everything ready to go. It is busy in the morning with kids going to school and mom do this and kara do that and sometimes its overwhelming. Anyway, I get the kids up to the table and pour the first batch of yummy pancakes only to find the griddle is too hot and they burned right away. I had never burned them before and I thought that is odd. I turned down the griddle and started a new batch. This time the griddle was too cold and the thing crapped out on me. So now I am frustrated, children are hungry and Alex has school in 15 minutes. I quick grab my skillet, get it hot and pour some more pancakes. They were sticking to my non stick skillet. By now I am pulling out my hair. Finally I got things going somehow, fed the children including my husband, cleaned up and took 5 minutes to inhale deeply. Later that night I went out and bought a new griddle and skillet and tossed the old broken ones. I don't like Tuesdays much, they are more of a Monday for me.
The past two days we were able to play outside and today it was kinda cold for the babies to be out so we stayed in. As a result the kids were climbing the walls!!! I made tuna casserole tonight with green beans and Alex really loves it. He had two bowls of cereal and two helpings of casserole and one helping of green beans. Now he wants a snack. GOODNESS between him and Michael our cupboards will be bare!
Spring get here quick please I need outside time!!
thanks for reading xoxo

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