Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well Jade and I are home and its very bittersweet. Jade got to meet her Great Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, and some friends from the airports. I missed the boys so very much but wished I had more time with the family, especially Grandpa. He was in a rehab home and not in the same frame of mind that I am used to. I was aware that he may not know who I am but I wasn't prepared for how hurt my heart felt having him not recognize me. I wanted him so badly to see me and say "hi miss priss" and I did get him to recognize me but not until Sunday and by then I couldn't stay. I miss him so much and even though he is still here he is not himself. I pray he gets better soon. Grandma said he had a lot of visitors on Saturday and was really tired but that he asked about me on Friday. I wish I would have known I would have gone straight there on Friday. Jade had a hard time on the flight and it hurt her ears pretty bad. My were hurting too from all her screaming. Sunday my fabulous Auntie Gail opened her home up for our family gathering and it was a great time. The feast was so super yummy. We had turkey, stuffing, ham, asparagus, corn, salad, fruit plate, potatoes, bread, stuffed mushrooms, olives, cake, pie, cheesecake, and Cindy made the best choc chip cookies EVER!! Cousin Sage changed Jades diaper which was very impressive. Everyone held her and kissed her and loved on her. Sage and Cole sang us a song followed by a performance from Bailee. Bailee was so cute she said "Kara is your baby in there?" She was referring to Jades bed. I said yes and then she said "ok I go see my baby." It was cute that Jade went from being my baby to hers. Anyway, it really was a great visit and I loved every minute of it, except the flights. If it wasn't snowing it was sunny. I didn't get home until really late as my flight was delayed and on the flight home from St. Louis a grandma in front of me asked if she could hold Jade and by then I was pretty relieved to have someone to help. She was wonderful and Jade didn't fuss with her. I didn't catch her name and wish I would have so I could send her a thank you. Kato and the boys worked hard in the hall going up the stairs. Its painted and looking very nice. I like everything except the HUGE mirror hanging over the window. Its coming down and something else can go up. The kids on Tuesday were pretty good. Kale was great in the morning but not so much in the afternoon. He is army crawling now so that helps. Its always a big adjustment for him to be gone for a few days and then come back. Jade turned 3 months old and he turned 6 months old on the same day. Well back to the routine for me.
XOXO thanks for reading

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