Thursday, June 11, 2009

Saturday At the Zoo Memorial day weekend

We had a great Saturday~
Katos cousins came up from Elk Horn. Jamaica and her kids and granddaughter all stayed with us. We decided to go to the zoo and check out the animals. We saw penguins, buffalo, rhinos, polar bears, lots of monkeys, and some other animals. The kids enjoyed it and since the zoo isn’t super huge we were able to get back home to enjoy a neighbor cook out. We had brats, hot dogs, and hamburgers. The neighbors made homemade brownies and an awesome fruit salad. The other neighbors made super yummy adult hot dogs, they are adult because they are a little more expensive then the Oscar brand, and they brought a macaroni salad. We enjoyed watching the kids play hockey and basketball. Once it got dark we made a fire in the fire pit and had smores! I stayed up a little too late and was a bit tired on Sunday. Jade cut two teeth over the weekend but she was a pretty good girl. The cousins slept all over the house and they seemed to enjoy the cook out and just hanging out with us. All in all Saturday was fantastic! Thanks for reading xoxo

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