Thursday, June 11, 2009

Feb 23, 2009

We had a great weekend. It snowed Friday night and we got about 7 inches and sometimes it seems we will never see green grass again or just grass for that matter. So Saturday morning we were going to get a big jump on the day and get a bunch of stuff done early so we can watch movies and enjoy the evening but as it turned out that didn't happen. Friday night we watched some tv and went to bed, this time with Jade in the swing. She ended up sleeping from 10:30 until 6am which is sleeping through the night and after the past week I had with her I felt great!! It felt like I slept for 20 days. So I wasn't upset about not sleeping in. I got up made some coffee and started in on the days chores. I was a little upset cause the 7 inches outside wasn't going to allow us to get going. After an hour or so Kato was up and he finally fixed the dryer (it had been barking since Jade was born), I separated the laundry (big helper I know plus I had to supervise his work), picked out some photos to put in my new frames I got from Stacey and the kids for my birthday, got dressed and headed out to plow. The snow blower was out of gas and I ended up needing Katos help getting the cap off but whatever he likes showing off his muscles. I worked on the driveway while Kato did laundry. When it was about 3/4 done he came out and took over so I could shower and run to the bank. I got there with 20 minutes to spare and opened an account for Jade. Then when I got back we did a couple more things and it was finally off to Mad Town (Madison). We went to a couple of places looking for something for Jade and Alex to wear to the Badger basketball game. After success we stopped at a party supply store which is really fun to go to just because. Then Target then we ate then to toys r us then the bookstore where we got the kids some books, then to Walgreens then home it was late by then and we were full from lunch so we had some leftovers and watched two movies, Bait Shop and 88 Minutes.
Sunday we woke up to sunshine, yes no new snow!! I got in the shower quick and headed up to Baraboo for a quick few things. Once I got back we had to get ready to leave for the game. "Have you showered yet?" I asked Kato. "Not yet...I was just going to." Ok well its 11:30 and we need to leave soon. You see although he doesn't think so, he is high maintenance and requires his time. So one hour later we are ready to leave. The game was great and I think we all had a good time. I know Alex was excited to see Liam and I can't believe how big Lucianna is getting. We saw Bucky and lil Eli got on the big jumbo screen. The girls beat Michigan state 54-51 (99% sure that was Michigan's score). Notice the score 54!! I'll tell you about 54 some other time. Alex got to meet Bucky in the concessions area and he said Bucky tickled him. Too bad I forgot my camera. Stacey took this shot of Jade, cute huh? After the game we high tailed it back home and just as we crossed the bridge into town Alex fell asleep and slept all through the night despite our attempts to wake him. So Kato and I watched another movie, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. For those of you who haven't seen it, there are more boy parts then girl parts showing. Then us girls watched some of the Oscars and went to bed.
Monday- it was a good day. I called Michael but only got voicemail. Kinda missing him big time and would like to hear from him. The kids were pretty good today. Mondays are sometimes hard to get back into. Alex and I are hanging out watching Wheel of Fortune which I would love to play for reals and Jade is chatting away. Hope all is well with you and thanks for reading. xoxo

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