Thursday, June 11, 2009

Saturday March 14

Its beautiful outside today. Katos cousins stayed the night last night and it was a great time. I woke up and made pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and Kato made coffee. I took a shower and got ready for the day because it was going to be busy. I got my hair cut this morning and it only took 23 minutes. Once I got back home we got ready to head to the mall. Since Katos cousins stayed here Alex stayed over and Jaynes with the other cousins. I guess he had fun cause he didn't want to come home as planned. So Jade, Kato and I went to Madison. Jade got her ears pierced. Now some of you may disagree with the decision to do this but please keep it to yourself as its not your decision to make and too bad its already done. She fussed a minute and was done. She cries alot louder and harder when she is hungry. We found some shorts for Michaels spring break trip and got some groceries from woodmans. We picked up Alex and came home. We watched the Forbidden Kingdom and then went to bed. It was a good day. thanks for reading xoxo

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