Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunday 6/14 thru Monday 6/15

Sunday morning I woke up feeling really sick to my stomach. I had a couple of beers the night before so I thought maybe I was just sick from that. I don't drink much so it was possible. I couldn't do anything all day and felt really bad because it was Alexs 54 month birthday. Now not everyone knows the significance of 54 in the Katers family and I am not going to tell you about it now but soon I will. Anyway, I was trying really hard not to throw up and every once in a while I would get that feeling and think this is it, but nothing happened. I took my temp at it was 102.7. I got some water to drink thinking I was dehydrated, but it only made me more sick to my stomach. I finally got off the couch around noon thinking a shower would help but it didn't and shortly after my shower the flood gates opened! Alex was throwing up. Kato ran upstairs to tell me. I was laying on the bed trying to not get sick myself but it didn't work I hurried to the bathroom and from then on was praying to the porcelain God. I must have had food sickness from the buffet and we figure since Alex was also sick it was something in the cake since it was the only thing Kato didn't eat that we ate. So I was out of order all day on Sunday and Monday wasn't much better. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYLEE June 15th is her actual birthday and she got to spend it with her dad instead of coming to my house. Anyway, I should have called in sick but figured I would feel better. It wasn't the case I took my temp around 2 and 103.1 is a bit high. I forced myself to eat some soup but could only handle about 1/2 cup. Thank goodness it stayed down. Later around 5:30 I started to get all hot and sweaty and wanted to lay down for a minute. After the last of the kids were picked up I did just that while waiting for Kato to get home. By then my shirt was soaked and I knew my fever was breaking. I started to get hungry around 7pm so I ate a bagel and it was so good. I finally was on the mend. Kato took the kids for a walk to the store and I relaxed in quiet for a bit. It was rough and I hate being sick in that way. I can't get anything done and stuff gets put on hold.
This is Rylee she is a big 5 now!! Hard to believe that I have known her since she was only 9 months old. I have been there for alot of her firsts, walking, talking, eating and such. She will start kindergarden this fall and it will be bittersweet. We made eggs at Easter this year and she is showing off her talents. thanks for reading xoxo

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing :-( Being sick like that is no fun. Hopefully you are all healthy now! luv u
