Thursday, June 11, 2009

May 11 2009

It has almost been a week since Michael got his temps and I am pleased to report, no accidents or tickets. This weekend we celebrated mothers day at Jayne and Keiths on Saturday. Jayne made some super yummy pork tenderloins, a potato dish, my favorite salad, delicious stuffing and some rolls. It was soooo good and everyone got stuffed. I tried really hard not to exceed my calories for the day but I went over by about 100. Earlier that day Alex had soccer and once again he didn’t participate. Kato even took him to the earlier class where he would know at least a couple of kids. Oh well maybe he will do better at Tball. Sunday we had a big pancake breakfast with scrambled eggs and ham. I made blueberry pancakes, plain pancakes and pancake with M&Ms. I whipped up some whipped cream, which was really good on the blueberry pancakes. It was difficult to resist eating too much. We topped it all off with OJ. Kato, Alex, Jade and I went for a walk and later that night we grilled up some steaks, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms. We enjoyed salad and the boys had some noodle dish. I am trying really hard to drop a few pounds so I am trying to watch my diet which is why I opted for more veggies and no noodles. Saturday we went grocery shopping and had lunch at Taco Bell where once again I really wanted something cheesy and loaded with stuff that will go straight to my butt, however I was good and ordered from the Fresco menu and had a diet drink. I log my calories in my itouch and it helps me stay on track. I have lost 10 pounds since being back from Washington. Going for long walks with the family and working in some exercise with the kids seems to be helping too. It sucks that its so easy to add the pounds and so difficult to get rid of them. I may have to save up for a tummy tuck cause after 3 kids things are not going back to normal. Monday is here again and its back to the grind. I hope the kids are happy and in good moods. I hope its nice out so we can play outside. Mostly I hope it will be a good week. Things are starting to get really busy. Soon the pool will be open and hot weather is fast approaching. There is so much to do and sometimes so little time. Too bad we can’t have 3 day weekends in the summer. Rylee and Logan will be starting Kindergarten this fall and Alex will begin 3 day preschool. Eli and Lucianna will be in the 2 day preschool and Kale and Jade will continue to be too little for any of it. My brother and his wife will be finding out if they are having a boy or a girl in June and I wish all the time that I could be there to enjoy the fun times of being Auntie Kara. They are expecting in October. My Grandma has good days and sad days but everyday she says it gets a little better. I miss my Grandpa very much and wish I could have a few more minutes with him. I found some songs on itunes that he and I used to listen to when we would drive up to the farm or go on road trips. It was fun to ride in the little green pick up on the hump between him and my Grandma. That was when seat belts weren’t required by law. We would sing the same songs over and over and every once in a while stop for a coke or milkshake or some kind of treat. We would play games in the car and try to spot animals. They took me all over. We would go to the hot springs and swim. When you first drive up the smell of sulfur is so strong its super stinky, like rotten eggs, but then you get used to it. They took my brother, my cousin Kip, and I to Yellowstone. That was so much fun. We went to Louis and Clark caverns. We visited ghost towns, Coulee dam, and went to Soap Lake. We drove to a place where you can drive through a park where live animals like bears and buffalo roam. The buffalo would blow snot on the windows. What a fun childhood I had with them. Thanks for reading xoxo
this is jade and her great grandma

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